Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cover Reveal (And Other Awesomeness)

Alright ladies and gents...I have news.

This blog is undergoing a little change of address. (No worries, it's a good change!) All future posts can be found on my brand-spanking-new website, along with book announcements and other goodies. Please feel free to poke around and see if you can manage to break anything: 




Oh, and by the first post on the new site contains the full cover reveal for my debut book, Once Upon A Road Trip--due out this fall through from Artifice Press. So while you're challenging the mad coding skills of my web designer, tell me what you think of the cover!

If you have any interest in keeping up to date with my latest escapades (announcements, giveaways, etc.) you can sign up for my newsletter on the website, or visit and 'like' my author page:
(P.S. I have no intention of spamming anyone!)